09 September 2015

Sensational Service

Fairly good morning--no complaints...
Medical Oncologist appointment where we upped my pain meds, and he insisted that I MUST eat more calories.  BLECH!  I've tried so hard today but it is sooo difficult.  I just have zero interest.  All food and drink smells bad, looks gross, and tastes like mud.  And now, I must ingest even more of it.
1-5ish--really great again
Evening just fine--fatigued but no pain or nausea.
Spirits good.  Finding strength beyond my own for sure.

And now, some thoughts I have about service. Thank you for indulging me :)


  1. I need you to get better so you can come organize my pantry just like this photo.
    Good food for thought about service. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Thank you for sharing these insights. They all spoke truth to me.

  3. That's the thing about you. Always thinking about others. You are truly an inspiration. Thank you for the example you have always been to me. You are in my prayers.

    Peggy (Limb) Griffin, WJ Seminary, Class of 95. :)

  4. Uh, but I really need a ditch dug......Oh well. See you tonight, even if it's just through the window. I'll be a peeping-Jane as I pass by with the mower!!
