28 October 2015

No Appetite Again...ARGH

It started fading last night and I hoped it would return this morning but, alas, no.  We are back to a combination of yucky drinks and force fed soup and stuff. Grrr....

Besides that, I enjoyed so much my time with my brother and my parents.  They sacrificed so much to come help me.

I also received all of my pre-op paper work today and we are off and running-ish.

10 Nov.:  Appt with Oncologist
20 Nov.:  CT scans to see what's a growin' and what's a shrinkin'
24 Nov.:  Consult with Surgical Oncologist
29 Nov.:  Stop with blood thinning shots
30 Nov.:  Big Ole Surgery at 9:30am  (live broadcast begins at noon ET)
01 Dec.:  Go to the Beach!!!

Oh, and I feel like Spleeny is shrinking.  I know I've spoken of Ding, Dong, and Dork; however, there's also Spleeny (which is much too cute of a name for such a nuisance)  Spleeny sits under my left ribcage and feels most of the time like a full-sized football is lodged under my left ribcage.  The Spleeny tumor has been the most prevalent and annoying.
The last few days, I haven't been disrupted by Spleeny really at all.  I'm not sure what to make of it except that he/she/it may be getting smaller and smaller?  Wouldn't that be nice?!

Love to all


  1. Glad to hear that Spleeny is getting the message that he is not welcome! Hopefully Ding Dong and Dork will start to clue in and follow suit! So happy you have had wonderful family visits recently. You have such a great family and they are all so wonderful!!
    Thank you for the detailed schedule. It helps prayers be more specific.
    Meet you at the beach :-)
    Loves and Hugs!

  2. Adios Spleeny! And don't come back.
    I love seeing a schedule!! That makes it all for reals!! Yes!! What very cool parents. I'm so glad they're here. Thank you for posting--we love hearing an update. It's become a daily addiction. ; ) xoxo

  3. Hi Michelle! Thank you for all of your inspirational posts. We still pray for you daily! We will add for your surgery to go well and your blood to clot when it is supposed to! Love you!!!

  4. That would be such great news if spleenicus is shrinking. Hooray for 30 November. Praying for a successful surgery.
