03 October 2015

Better Day All Around

The ride from Boise to SLC was pretty rough on my body which made for more pain and discomfort than I had expected.  I had hoped Friday would be better all around and it was.

I was talking to a friend about how I would define a "good" day vs. a "great" day. According to my definition, I would say that Friday was definitely a good day.  It could have tipped into great if I had eaten more because lack of calories is so problematic.  I also needed to move more but, of course, the weakness from the calorie issue directly impacts the movement issue.

Friday had some really positive moments.

I got to spend some time with my bro-in-law, Ronald, who is now 32 days post bone marrow transplant.  He looked so great and is such an inspiration to me. He continues to defy odds left and right and I instantly felt more motivated after seeing him.  It was awesome to finally see my sister, Stephanie, whom I haven't seen in two months because of her need to stay with Ronald.

While in Utah, I am staying in the super-comfortable home of a dear friend.  Their family has waited on me hand and foot since I arrived.  I can hardly believe all of their kindnesses.

My sister, Mindy, and her family are here from San Francisco and they are staying here with me at the house.  They always bring so much help and positivity.  It is fabulous to be with their happy little family.

I didn't throw up at all on Friday.

I stayed up late with my niece to watch the entire BYU football game.  She is a wonderful treasure.

Today, Saturday, is off to a great start. Let the Conference begin!


  1. I'm so glad Mindy and fam are staying with you. That has got to give you a boost. I know what those kids mean to you. And I bet it was wonderful to see Stephanie and Ronald too. I'm glad you felt better on Friday. Hoping your sabbath is even better.

  2. Please kiss those friends for me, and give them a big thank you hug from all of us who love you that can't be there to wait on you hand and foot. Tell them they are doing all that good work in proxy for all of us that wish we could. Nice people are my favorite!
