27 October 2015

I Will Start Reporting In The Daytime

The reason I've been sparse lately is because I always feel yucky at night.  I will start reporting during the daytime hours because, especially the last few days, I have felt so much better.

I am actually eating!!!  Food.  Real food. Not chemically engineered yucky drinks that give me calories and spike my blood sugar but provide no real nutrition.  Don't get me wrong, I know these things have their value, but I am so glad to not be entirely dependent on them today.

In the last post, I mentioned Mindy's visit.  Since she left, my sister, Stephanie, my niece, Syvanna, my brother, M, and my parents, have all showed up.

M showed up with so many fun and meaningful gifts.  Two of the gifts he gave me were a Mrs. Potato Head (we look alike), and a fro wig.

Another development in the past few days is a FIRM SURGERY DATE!
30 November is the day, folks!  It's amazing how much I am looking forward to the day that I will be cut open from top to bottom, and stripped of almost every non-essential organ in my body :)

Please, please continue to pray that the tumors will shrink and that my blood will only clot when it is supposed to clot and not when it's not.

Best Gals You'll Meet


M knows how to pick a wig!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. THANK YOU!! Good news was worth waiting for, *But YES for daytime posts! What a great family you have. I'm so glad they have all made time to come see you. Wish they could stay. We have Nov 30th marked on our calendar as "Michelle's Miracle Day." Looking forward to to! : )

  3. Awe. I just love the sisters photo and so happy M came!!!!

  4. Lucy can't stop giggling over this fro photo. Love it.
