06 December 2015

Countless Acts of Service

I'm so grateful for these two young men who today brought the sacrament to my sister and me at the hospital, and for the countless other acts of service on my behalf.  It's been a lovely, peaceful, grateful Sabbath day.


  1. So glad to hear. Simpson and Smart look like men of God doing his work Elders soon to be.

  2. Two of the cutest young men out there--LUCKY! Look how you light up when they are in the room. Can they come visit everyday??

  3. That is spectacular. So glad it was a joyous Sabbath Day. Rest Well. Get stronger.

  4. Well, that must have been an extra special sacrament because you look AMAZING!! You look like you've jumped a week in your recovery! Can they come back tomorrow ;)

  5. what handsome young men. and you look great! loving your progress everyday.

  6. Just winding down for the night. Hope you've had a progressive day of strength and effort. You are extraordinary Michelle. Keep it up! Best wishes from the Fishes
