27 April 2016


Since I seem to be a genius at getting dehydrated, I am going in to the hospital a couple of times a week for fluid infusions.  They take a little over an hour, and I do think I feel better for another day or so.   I am still struggling with the throw-up piece of the puzzle and can't seem to get on top of the motion sickness.

I am curious to see what comes down the pipes next week, as I have this week off from chemotherapy.  Today was actually pretty decent, and I would love to see more of this type of day.

I'm often told about very specific prayers so many of you offer in my behalf.  They give me the faith to keep praying for miracles, because I know so many of you are still praying in that regard.  Thank you.    

 Getting my port accessed for my fluids...
 Accessed and ready to roll!
Congratulating one of the part-time workers on her new full-time job as a chaplain.  She is a wonderful lady, and I expect great things for her in her new assignment!


  1. Ok, I'm going to pray that you get to see more of this type of day. I'm on it! And full time chaplin, wow, what a cool job. Did you give her some teaching tips? Tell her about the Plan of Salvation? Offer her some sweet words of advice. I think you've been a full time chaplin your whole life. She had a pro right in front of her, and didn't even know it. : ) Cheers to a week off of chemo, Hurray!

  2. I hope your pipes have a party this week. Praying for more decent days. <3

  3. I hope your pipes have a party this week. Praying for more decent days. <3

  4. Ok, here's my report: my WHOLE family fasted for you, dear friend, all day long. And wait for it...There were NO complaints. Not a single one. So you should be set for some good days ahead. YAY! : ) Lots of love to you, sweet Michelle.
