09 March 2016

Surprise! But Not a Complete Surprise.

I had my CT scan yesterday and met with the oncologist today to discuss the results.  Unfortunately, they aren't great.   What I thought was scar tissue, actually wasn't.  It turns out it is a big ole 7 cm tumor that's been growing like wildfire.

Super super disappointing.  I may start some radiation as soon as Monday to shrink it and help me feel more comfortable.

They will also change the type of chemo I am doing.  I'm not sure when that would start.

It's all quite concerning but definitely explains why I have felt like there's a small city sitting in my chest.


  1. Hi Michelle, I've been following your blog quietly. Sorry to hear this news. I am so impressed by your spirit and attitude. You were always this same way when you were here in Phoenix. We all miss you. ❤️ Becky Bunting

  2. Oh, I'm so sorry you got bad news. Stupid tumor. I will hug you in Utah!

  3. You're still my favorite person! *But this is not my favorite post. Ugh. Geez 'Job', you know God still loves you, right?! I don't want to be a friend like Eliphaz, Bildad, or Zophar that start doubting. You've taught us the power of Believing! Looking to God, and Living! I wish I knew His will for you. Even a small footnote of explanation would be nice... I'll pray extra hard tonight that He will remind you of His great love for you. I know it's endless. Look up to Him who made you. Look to him who loves you, and seek counsel from the one true comforter. “LOOK unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not.” D&C 6:36 xoxo

  4. WE LOVE YOU, WE EVER PRAY FOR YOU OUR MICHELLE DEAR! (I know, I'm borrowing a few words from some other famous lyrics, but they work right now) Last night as we lead our group in our ARP mission, these words were shared from President Faust's conference talk in April 2007, he quotes Brigham Young: EVERY TRIAL YOU HAVE PASSED THROUGH IS NECESSARY FOR YOUR SALVATION. President Faust said, "we may never know why some things happen in this life. The reason for some of our suffering is known only to the Lord." I see this as the answer to: WHY? And you have already answered the question: WHAT? What are you learning, what are we learning, what are you - Michelle - teaching us, what is the next treatment? Trust. Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy path. He's got this. He's got you. He gets it. He'll direct your path the way only He knows how to direct. Trust. Much love to you, see you soon.

  5. I love you Michelle. Still praying for you every day! Sure wish I could wave a magic wand and make it all go away. 💕

  6. Good evening Michelle. Sorry to hear about the new tumor. You are resilient and faithful. We admire you for your strength. Know that we are thinking about you. We will pray for you and the doctors. Best wishes from the Fishes!
